Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do credit card hackers who only stole the numbers and are ordering online, manage not to get caught?

I just want to be more educated on the matter as a new credit card holder. What are the methods they use to dissimulate the shipments?Can't the holder trace the address where the items got shipt to?|||They have a number of options, including:

1. Buy a PO box with cash and ship things there

2. Ship to a home that has been abandoned, where they know the owner is out, is a showhome, etc.

3. Ship to some guy they pay to accept the packages for them (this is less common and quite stupid really)

I wouldn't worry about hackers though. A person can get your credit card info out of the bin of many stores without ever touching a computer, it's not really all that hard.|||obviously they aren't stupid enough to send it to somewhere they could be tracked to...and their ip is sent through at least one proxy|||You got me. British Overseas Airways let a guy named Makmoud charge a $2100 airline ticket from London, England to South Africa on my (now cancelled) credit card which I kept in my desk drawer in Ohio. So the name was wrong, there was no security code, and the bank didn't notify me until one week after the guy got the ticket and flew to South Africa.

You can order online %26amp; pickup stuff from stores like Walmart etc. and don't need to give an address. It must work for airlines also.

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